Colby Jack

COLBY JACK Volume 3 #17

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CoJack By Stepshep at English Wikipedia, CC

CoJack By Stepshep at English Wikipedia, CC

Country: United States

Region: Wisconsin, California, Oregon

Made from: Cow’s Milk

Pasteurised: Yes

Texture: Colby Jack is a solid, smooth cheese, it is a blended cheese, so it has a distinct orange and white spotted pattern.

Taste: Colby Jack is a blend of Colby cheese and Monterey Jack cheese, it has a mild, soft flavor.

Certification: Yes

Ageing: Varies, minimum sixty days

Introduction: Colby Jack is a gorgeous blended type of cheese. It is made of half Colby cheese, half Monterey Jack cheese. You may have eaten Colby Jack cheese on nachos, or in a mac and cheese. Colby Jack is adorned with beautiful celestial-looking swirls and patterns.

History: Colby cheese was first made in the town of Colby, in Wisconsin. One part of the Colby Jack, it was said to have been invented in 1885 by Joseph F. Steinwand who named it after the town.

The other part of Colby Jack, Monterey Jack cheese was originally made by 18th-century Franciscan friars in Monterey, Alta California. Monterey Jack is a mild white cheese that melts very well and is often used in California style burritos, grilled cheese or in some pasta dishes. 

The blend of Colby Jack was later created when the two cheeses were combined and subsequently the Colby-Jack mixture was attained.

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How to Enjoy It: To enjoy Colby Jack cheese, slice it up to place on some crackers as an appetizer. It can be cut into any shape to accent a cheese board, or grated into a Mac & Cheese dish. Colby Jack pairs well with beer, or a margarita, due to its frequent use in Mexican dishes.

Sources: Tillamook, Wikipedia, Wisconsin Cheese,